It Moves Pt2 (really)

And we’re off! I can tell you – this thing is great. This morning I got a huge thumbs up from a man at the bus stop, so apart from the occasional ‘point and laugh’ it seems to be pretty popular. Mind the speed limit and those terrible road humps though….Click on the image to… Continue reading It Moves Pt2 (really)

It Moves Pt 1

I know, I know. It’s high time I drove this thing. I’m on my own now and I’m ready for the first journey. Well almost… Click on the image to view video.

Did you say water it?

So my heads beginning to swim with all this info. Where there would normally be an engine there’s a can of water. I have to remember to water the car once a week to keep the batteries in order! Click on the image to view video.

Traffic wardens

I’m struggling to come to terms with the idea that you can park for free in central London with this car. You’ll understand what I mean if you’ve ever had an altercation with a traffic warden here. Due to the terrorist attacks, there were 50,000 extra cyclists on the roads last Thursday, some of whom… Continue reading Traffic wardens

It’s arrived!

5 months waiting and the car is finally here. They come off the ship, are taken to a base where the car is registered and the road tax is applied for (no charge for road tax on electric vehicles).  Then it’s delivered. Apologies for the wobbly cam – think I was a bit overexcited!  Click… Continue reading It’s arrived!

Congested charges pt 2

So, I got there in the end. Seems as though it can happen over the phone…Alternative fuel technologies and call centres don’t always mix. By the way they put the charge up to £8 per day yesterday. Click on the image to view video.

Congested charges

So I’m having trouble already… Congestion charging is a scheme where we all pay £5 per day to enter central London unless we drive an alternative fuel vehicle. They didnt seem keen to accept that I can arrange this over the phone. Click on the image to view video